2014 Direction and Inspiration Workshop | Linda Connor
Two Days
July 19th & 20th, 2014
10:00am to 5:00pm
A two-day weekend workshop, for intermediate & advanced photographers, that will help participants recognize that though they are producing work unique to them and their times, they are also part of a very long genealogy of expression. When developing both the portfolio and a personal vision in the medium, past work will be considered while we also explore how sequencing and context can alter the power and meaning of images.
Each participant's ongoing photographic projects or newly developing work will be reviewed with an emphasis on how to strengthen one's ability to communicate ideas visually. Having learned to look for inspiration from other photographers and artists, all will leave the workshop too, with greater insight and confidence in the direction of their own work.
The Image Flow
401 Miller Ave. Suite A
Mill Valley, CA 94941
Tuition: $250.00
Limited to 12 participants
Workshops in year: 2015