OPENING RECEPTION: September 8th, 2018 6-9pm
Smith Andersen North Gallery
20 Greenfield Avenue, San Anselmo CA 94960

Việt Lê, Assistant Professor at California College of the Arts, San Francisco, California
Meg Shiffler, Director, San Francisco Arts Commission Galleries
Photographers selected INCLUDE:
Stephen Albair, Erick Andino, Bob Aufuldish, Elizabeth Bernstein, Lisa Blatt, Leon Borensztein, Adrian Burrell, Marna Clarke, Amber Crabbe, Monica Denevan, Nathaniel DeVivo, Richard Dweck, Lyle Gomes, Cheryl L. Guerrero, Charlotta Hauksdottir, Liz Hickok, Virginia Hines, Phillip Hua, Kelley Huffines, Kuo-Chen Kacy Jung, Henrik Kam, Sherry Karver, Eric Kayne, Martha Ketterer, Marie-Luise Klotz, Vanessa Marsh, Michael Martin, Takako Matoba, Nasim Moghadam, Michael Mokuau, Jude Mooney, Atsuko Morita, Lee Nelson, Anthony O’Donnell, Mike Perry, Diane Pierce, Tamara Porras, Philip Sager, Mika Sperling, Liz Steketee, Martin Venezky, Pep Ventosa, Beth Waldman, Allison Watkins, DarenYou
Bay Area Currents was established to provide an opportunity for local artists working with photography to exhibit in the Bay Area and to discover and connect with other artists in the community. There was no single theme for this call, instead we were looking to see what you have been up to of late. What we received showed a broad range of interpretations of photography including documentary, expressive, and experimental works manifested through a wide variety of styles and approaches.
Smith Andersen North Gallery 20 Greenfield Avenue
San Anselmo, CA 94960
Tuesday - Friday: 10AM - 6PM; Saturday: 12 - 5PM; and by appointment
From Highway 101, take the Central San Rafael Exit.
Go West on Third Street.
Third Street turns into Fourth Street and then into Red Hill Avenue.
Make a U-turn at the Hub by Sir Francis Drake Boulevard and immediately veer right onto GREENFIELD AVENUE.
20 GREENFIELD is in the first building on the right. We provide off-street parking in the lot along the east side of the building.
TIMELINE for exhibiting artists:
August 25, 2018, Noon to 5pm : Artwork drop off at Smith Andersen North Gallery (20 Greenfield Avenue, San Anselmo CA)
August 29, 2018–September 28, 2018: Exhibition open to public
September 8, 2018, 6:00 - 9:00pm: OPENING RECEPTION !
September 29, 2018, Noon to 5pm : Artwork Pickup at Smith Andersen North Gallery