ESL Students, Adult School, Stockton, CA from the       Raising Literacy-Stockton/San Joaquin project

Deuel Prison Library, San Joaquin County                        from the Raising Literacy project

Reading Room triptych, Folger Shakespeare Library project


Saturday, October 24th, 2015
9:30am to 5:00pm                                                                                                                 $195.00           

Location:  RAYKO PHOTO CENTER                                                                                                                                   428 3rd Street, San Francisco  


Spend the day with photographer Robert Dawson examining what is necessary to successfully organize and fund a photography project. Dawson will draw on his own recent and successful experiences.  Two years ago he completed an eighteen-year photographic study of public libraries throughout the United States. Last year he published a book from that effort. He also received large grants for this work from the Columbia Foundation in Chicago, the Creative Work Fund in San Francisco and a Guggenheim Fellowship from New York. At the same time the Library of Congress purchased the entire public library project for their permanent archive. Dawson will explain how he was able to accomplish this and how this experience will help students be able to successfully accomplish their own goals with their photography. 

About Robert:

Mr. Dawson's work has been recognized by a Guggenheim Fellowship, a Creative Work Fund grant, a Graham Foundation grant, a National Endowment For the Arts Fellowship and by a Dorothea Lange-Paul Taylor Prize. His books include Robert Dawson Photographs (1988); The Great Central Valley: California's Heartland (University of California Press, 1993); Farewell, Promised Land: Waking From the California Dream (UC Press, 1999) and A Doubtful River  (University of Nevada Press, 2000).  His latest book is The Public Library: A Photographic Essay (Princeton Architectural Press, 2014). He is founder and co-director of the Water in the West Project. Mr. Dawson's photographs are in the collections of the Museum of Modern Art, New York; the National Museum of American Art (Smithsonian Institution); and the Library of Congress. He recently retired from being an Instructor of Photography at San Jose State University since 1986. He has been an Instructor of Photography at Stanford University since 1996.


Athenaeum Library, St. Johnsbury, VT from the          Public Library project

Branch Library, Family Dollar and Super Bingo, Abilene, Texas from the Public Library project

                                                                                              Athenaeum Library, St. Johnsbury, VT  from the          Public Library project

Flooded Salt Air Pavilion, Great Salt Lake, UT from the Water in the West Project

Private Property, Lake Tahoe from the                        Water in the West Project

Japanese Bridge, Iceland (diptych) from the               Global Water project

all images above © Robert Dawson